Feser Evades the Issue
Asking a theist to give a cogent explanation for anything is typically an exercise in frustration. Most of the time, the best answer you can get is something that boils down to "God did it". Of course, they don't put it in those words specifically. There is always a certain amount of hand-waving and dissembling when you try to press them for details. This rule of thumb applies regardless of what you may be seeking an explanation for. If God is presumed to have any role in it, the theist will be hard-pressed to provide any technical details on exactly what kind of manipulations occur at the interface between the physical world and the divine. And there's a reason for that. Explanations of a detailed technical nature that involve God simply don't exist. The best they can do is to use vague language or divert to another topic to cover up the lack of any specific details in their answers.