The Proof Is In the Pudding
I have been arguing with Joe Hinman (again) over his "warrant for belief". This is an issue that crops up over and over again in any discussion with Joe, whenever the topic turns to evidence, or reasons for belief. Joe invariably cites his supposed "200 empirical studies" that he claims provide a scientific basis for his thesis that belief in God is empirically warranted. And this is the thrust of his book, The Trace of God. Ever the salesman for his book, Joe rarely misses an opportunity to drum up a few sales by bringing those 200 studies into the discussion, even when that was not the topic. In the latest round of discussion, he makes this juvenile claim: "I have 200 studies and you have none." My response to that is that those 200 studies don't prove what Joe thinks they do. But that brings up a whole new issue: Is Joe actually trying to prove something with his empirical studies? If so, what is it?