Victor Reppert asked an interesting question in a recent post:
How are scientific beliefs caused? It's interesting because it illustrates how his own thinking is boxed in by his ideological presumptions, including the notion of
primacy of mind. This is the way he puts the question to his readers:
Yet naturalists insist that when minds arose, no new mode of causation was introduced. Matter functioned in the same way, it is just that evolution but it into forms of organization that made it seem as if it had purposes when it really didn't, and this explains the very theorizing by which scientists like Dawkins and philosophers like Mackie reach the conclusion that God does not exist. In the last analysis, you didn't accept atheism because of the evidence, you became and atheist because the configuration of atoms in your brain put you in a certain brain state, and C. S. Lewis became a Christian and a theist for exactly the same reason. If this is true, how can the atheist possibly claim superior rationality? - Reppert
According to Victor, materialism, which is the root of scientific thinking, implies that the world contains no rationality - that everything is just matter in motion, following the natural physical laws of motion and nothing more. Consequently, according to this belief, there is no rational thought, no conscious mind, no intention. We are all just meat machines who go about or lives like zombies, simply reacting to the physical forces that propel us, not genuinely thinking, not feeling, and not wanting. Our brains make us do things, but brains are just a collection of atoms. Therefore, physical state of one brain causing someone to become a materialist is no more rational than another brain state causing someone to become a theist.