Boxed In By an Ideology
Steve Hays has posted an article that describes "skywriting" as an example of a class of miracles he calls "coincidence miracles", which are events that are supposedly consistent with natural laws, but that nevertheless are so improbable that they could only be the result of divine intervention. If the stars in the sky aligned in such a way as to form clearly defined letters and words that spell out a message, that would be skywriting. This has been posited by some atheists as an example of a miracle that would cause them to believe that God exists, or at least that supernatural events occur, if they ever witnessed such a thing. But Steve says that those atheists are being dishonest about what would convince them - that they are in fact stuck on their atheistic ideology, and no evidence would convince them. Steve believes that atheists use this example simply because it could be explained away as a natural event. I contend that Steve is the one who is boxed in by ideology, and lacks the intellectual honesty to admit it.